Syge Matsushita 展覧会
カテゴリー │人との出会い
静岡県浜松市内にあるカギヤビル 2階 Violet にて行われているSyge Matsushita展 に行って来ました。Syge Matsushitaはパリで世界規模で有名なファッションデザイナーの右腕として10年以上活動、U2のボノの奥さんの洋服も手がけた事のあるワールドクラスのパリコレデザイナーです✨今はTeam Seijiのメンバーで自分の舞台衣装を手がけて貰っています。展覧会は明日18:00まで。彼の素晴らしいアートセンス、色彩とデザインを是非直に触れてみてください(^-^)
Off to see Syge Matsushita Collection at Kagiya Building in Hamamatsu. He was in Paris for over 10 years as fashion designer and he has made U2 vocal’s wife!! I respect his art sense, just love it !
Now he is my Team Seiji member and making my performance art costume. We will keep going to create artwork together ;))
Off to see Syge Matsushita Collection at Kagiya Building in Hamamatsu. He was in Paris for over 10 years as fashion designer and he has made U2 vocal’s wife!! I respect his art sense, just love it !
Now he is my Team Seiji member and making my performance art costume. We will keep going to create artwork together ;))