カテゴリー │名所
3月の「Special Beauty Japan」のイベントでご一緒した柏ゴールデンホークスが勝ち進み、アメリカのディズニーワールドで行われる世界大会に出場が決まりました✨それを記念して「夢を掴む鷲」をユニフォームカラーをメインに制作、それを着て世界大会に!と言う事で嬉しい限りです。頑張れ、柏ゴールデンホークス!!皆さんの成功をお祈りしています✨
I would love to say congratulations to Kashiwa Golden Hawks for playing World Cheerleading Competition at Disney World at United States! I painted a colorful Hawk for T-shirts design using their main uniform color and also wish their success. Best of luck to all team! You guys can do it !!
I would love to say congratulations to Kashiwa Golden Hawks for playing World Cheerleading Competition at Disney World at United States! I painted a colorful Hawk for T-shirts design using their main uniform color and also wish their success. Best of luck to all team! You guys can do it !!